Monday, May 18, 2009

Shop Announcement

I wasn't sure if I should announce the following, but it's been so crazy trying to get all my June orders together, that I have fallen behind on some communication via etsy convos. So in case anyone (friends, customers, family) has been wondering why it takes me a couple days to respond, here's why.

Here is the annoucement I made in my shop today:

"It's that time of year!!! June weddings are on the rampage, so GE Designs is swamped at this time (loving it!). Doesn't mean I can't take new orders, but communication is a little hectic for me. So if you are a current customer, or prospective, please give me some time to respond. If you haven't heard from me in a timely manner (more than 48 hours since your last message), please drop me a new convo to put you at the front of my list for responses... I am currently dedicating Monday and Wednesday evenings to catching up on convos. Sorry for the inconvenience -- I am working at warp speed, so I promise, things will go back to normal really soon!!!!"

Now, I encourage any current clients to check in with me at any time for reminder messages. I know I'll have more flexibility in a couple weeks. But for anyone who's getting married after June, I will be back on track once the last June order is completed. Any notecard or greeting card orders, will be filled within a couple days (no changes there). Thank you all for your patience!

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